Tuesday, November 15, 2011


It seems that everyone is posting something about what they're thankful for this month.  This post has nothing to do with that, and everything to do with the fact that I am thankful tonight for some things I'm always thankful for, and others for which I'm not normally thankful.

Tonight I designed our Christmas card.  I wasn't doing those this year, but I got 15 free, so I thought I may as well.  Shutterfly asked me to embed my card that I made on the blog, so here it is.  You get to see it for free, too! :)  I'm so thankful for my family.  My husband makes my day almost every single time I see him.  He's such a wonderful, calming man that has had my heart over 9 years.  I'm thankful for my children.  Hannah is so intense and intelligent.  She's such an obedient girl that has such an honest heart.  Seth is so sweet and gentle.  He's such a little gentleman.  He loves to love.  Baby Boy is already tugging at my heart...quite literally.  He seems to already love his brother and sister because every time they sit with me or near me and start talking, he starts kicking toward them.  He knows them.  What a blessed family we have.  See on the sidebar?

Another thing I'm thankful for is that my aunt finally is at peace.  She died tonight, about 45 minutes ago, and is finally, truly resting.  So thankful for her salvation.  So thankful that the family right now is able to sadly celebrate her existence, but also her departure.  There's a sense of relief instead of a question of why.  So, so sad that she's gone.  She was a treasure, and will be so greatly missed.  I'm thankful for her humor, for her love, for her witness, and for her Lundemo-ness.  Thank you, God, that I knew her, and blessing us with her existence for the short time she had on the Earth.

Very different things to be thankful for, but all given by the same gracious, merciful God.  What a wonderful God we get to serve.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

It's a boy!

Yea!  We're excited.  We have absolutely no boy names we're even considering.  There are names I like, and I have been vetoed (apparently it works with one-sided vetoes, too) on several.  I had someone tell me I looked small today.  God bless her.  No really.  She has 5 kids, so she knows what it's like to move from the "is she pregnant or just eating too much cake?" phase into the phase where you look in the mirror and you feel like a small cow.  It's not just that I'm getting bigger it's the lack of mobility and increase in pain factor that I'm not too fond of.  Fortunately, if this boy is like Seth was, I'll still be able to paint my toes, shave my legs, and put on my pants (you're welcome) at the end of this pregnancy.  He was all out front, and I had the sides where I could reach around and take care of those things.  Yea!

So I posted earlier than I thought I would.  I'm still not sure when I'll post again.

I think it's a soup kind of night.  Mmm...soup.

Another thing, I have trouble reading a book when I'm being MADE to read a book.  Now for school or something like that it was different, but for other reasons, not so much.

And another, it's in the 40's here, and I refuse to turn on the heat because it'll be almost 80 just next Tuesday! I have a small electric heater, that we usually have in our bathroom in the winter, in the living room, and it's helping take a bit of the edge off.  Really that's all we need right now.  I may have to break down and turn it on upstairs, so the kids don't become small icicles by morning.  They'd be cute little icicles though. :)  OK, the end.  See you soon?

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Remember me?

Yeah, so it has been nearly a forever since I've posted.  I get that.  I have no motivation to do much of anything, and this includes cooking anything for my family to eat every night.  I think I'm getting over that, seeing as how I cooked more last week than I have since my first few weeks of pregnancy.  Also, I'm actually posting on my blog.  I have something that has been nagging, so aside from all the great stuff that's happening right now, I'm still going to post about that too.  I'll get to the great stuff at the end, kind of as a way to end happy.

Date night.  It's supposed to be something that couples do, right?  Well, we don't.  We don't have the babysitter that we know well and trust enough to allow them to feed, keep and put down our kids for a night of fun out for Mommy and Daddy, but more so, we don't have the money.  How do people have the money to do this stuff?  I mean, Dusty doesn't make just beans working.  He's not making a killing, but he's not doing horribly.  We budget very tightly.  We have enough money for all of our bills, food, and a few extras, but going out and spending $100 for one night isn't on that list.  And people do this monthly, even weekly!  How?  A babysitter alone would be probably $30.  That's almost THREE meals at Chick-fil-A!!  I guess my priorities are different, but should they be?  Shouldn't we take time out for us as a couple?  Dusty and I have a great relationship and communication, so it's not like we're really lacking anything by not going out.  Are these couples going out because they don't spend time together when they're at home?  I say this tongue-in-cheek right now because Dusty has taken our kids to the store, and I get some time at home...although without this time to myself next week would be a lot harder for me.  We took two hours the other day when my parents were visiting just to go and look for maternity clothes for me.  It was heavenly, really, but those two hours have carried me a long way (and it has taken 3 weeks for our budget to recover from that extra $109 expenditure, I kid you not).  Now, I know we have been eating out more than usual, due to me not cooking, but it's not like we're even dropping $20 when we go out to eat.  Usually it's $10-15.  It's the rare occasion when we spend over $25, so I know that extra money spent could be used for us to go on a date, but it's really not adding up to that much money.  Anyway, I'm just not sure what is "right" here, or if there even is a right answer on whether or not we should blow our budget and go out, or if we even need to go out at all.  It just feels like stigma that couples should do, and we're not following that stigma (what's new?).  Whew.  Got all that out there.  Now for the good stuff.

We should find out on Tuesday what gender our baby is.  It has been going crazy kicking the last couple of weeks.  I really felt it the first time about 16 weeks when I pushed down on my stomach, and I got a reply kick.  Dusty actually felt it at 17 weeks, which is the earliest he has ever felt one of our kids.  I'm sure it's because it's our third child, and this is the third time my body has stretched out like this.  It's probably getting pretty thin in there.  The past couple of weeks I have really grown, and it's getting uncomfortable already.  Lower back pain is not my friend.  However, the baby has grown from 5 oz to about 10-11 oz in only 2ish weeks, so it's understandable that other stuff is adding to my growth.  I'm looking forward to the ultrasound so we can see it, and make sure it's doing well.  We really don't care what we're having, as long as it's a healthy baby.  However, Hannah wants a girl and will name her Sylvester.  Yes.  That's right, Sylvester.  Seth said he wants a baby brother, "but Mommy said we're not having two".  He has resigned himself to letting Hannah get her way.  I said recently that we don't know what it is, it could be either, it's just what God has chosen for us to have.  Yesterday Hannah asked Seth, "Seth, if you have a baby brother, can I play with him too?"  Guess she thought she'd only get to play with the baby if it were a girl.  I wonder if she realized that she plays with a baby brother every single day.  (Side note: she'll be 5 in exactly 2 months.  Crazy talk.)

OK, so about that cooking for my family thing.  I'm going to go start supper now, and hope they're back in time.  Thanks for listening/reading, and I may or may not do this again in the near future.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


I love the Cosby Show.  It's on Netflix instant streaming, and I love it. :)  It makes me happy.  Although, I'm pretty sure in the pilot they started by calling Theo "Teddy" which is weird.  Also, they said they only had 4 kids. Pretty sure they have 5 in the other shows.  Sandra isn't around yet, I guess...although she was the first one.  Whatever.

I went for a couple of days without nausea, but it has been here ever since the beginning of the week.  I have an ultrasound on Tuesday, and I'm anxiously awaiting seeing the heart beating. It'll be good to know that it's still alive.  I have so much swimming in my head to talk about, but it's just not coming out right now.  That's one of the huge reasons why I haven't been blogging recently.  :-/

I made cookies last night.  Fail.  My bread is working beautifully in my new oven elemented oven, but my cookies were awfully flat.  They taste great, but they're horribly thin.  I wonder if I creamed the butter and sugar too long.  Ah well.  At least my bread is good. :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Big things are happening...

Well, there's one big bit of news that some people know, and some people don't yet.  We haven't announced it to the world (i.e. facebook, twitter) because of a previous experience.  We're now 6 1/2 weeks pregnant.  Last year I miscarried at 10 weeks, so we've been a little reserved in who we've told, but it has gotten out more and more, shocker, so I'll just go ahead and talk about it on here, and then announce it to the social networks when my first trimester is over.  Thus far this has been my most difficult pregnancy yet.  I'm already nauseated for the majority of the awake day, at least 10-12 hours, and I've already been sick.  Having two kids while being pregnant is a challenge I did not expect.  Having one very young kid while being pregnant was a challenge, but having two who are a bit older is definitely difficult.  Seth loves to sit in my lap, but right now that's not a pleasant thing for me.  He will sit in my lap for the whole day, if I would let him, but I want the boy to go and play some, so I lure him away with toys and a sister. :)  I have to almost continually eat, or the nausea rears its ugly head, and knocks me for a loop.  Today especially I have also been super tired.  This also makes for an unpleasant time for my kids and me.  I could really have used a break this morning.  The kids were super needy, and I was super needy, and no one could meet anyone's needs.  Praise the Lord, the kids went down for naps, and stayed down longer than usual.  I know He completely answered that plea.  After naps the day was glorious!  Well, except for the minor mishap of trying to cook my bread, and having my oven element explode.  Yeah, it was seeping the stuff that's supposed to be inside the element.  It made the oven light up nicely for a second or two before I turned it off.  Fortunately, Dusty found a replacement on Amazon, so we should get it some time next week.  It'll be microwave and stove top dinners for us!  :)  That's not a big deal though.  I turned on my oven yesterday for the first time since Saturday (or possibly before).  It was so dreadfully hot outside I couldn't turn on the oven and stress out our poor air conditioner units anymore. :)

Dusty's garden is doing beautifully.  If he can keep the squash bugs at bay, then things look great out there.  He has brought in SOOO much squash already, and several huge zucchinis, some corn, green beans, eggplants, tomatoes, jalapenos, bell peppers, banana peppers, and fresh herbs.  He's such an amazing gardener.  Right now he's canning the jalapenos.  He ran out last year, and wanted them for months, so he's making sure he's got enough this year.  His jalapenos are beautiful, and quite impressive, so I think he'll have plenty.  I don't really do the hot pepper thing with putting up vegetables.  I'll do the other things, but not hot peppers.  I'm so glad I have a husband that can and will do these types of things.

Hannah got glasses.  If you're on fb with me, you already know this.  She said the other day, "Mommy, when I look through my glasses now, I don't see them anymore!"  I'm really glad about this because just a few days ago she wasn't digging them, and it had only been two days since she'd had them.  She also said that when she takes off her glasses she doesn't look like Hannah anymore.  Only when she has her glasses on does she look like Hannah.  I have to admit that I miss her unhindered face.  I won't tell her that, but it will also take some getting used to for me to love her glasses.  Right now they're just covering up her natural beauty.  I'm wondering if less noticeable frames might be the key to that, but we won't find that out for another year, or however long it is before people get new frames for their glasses.  I'm new at this.  I'm so thankful we caught it early though.  The doctor said she would most likely have developed a lazy eye because the problem is only in her right eye.

I'm really hoping we don't miscarry this baby.  We actually sort of planned to have a baby right now, whereas before it has always come as a complete surprise.  While this is a total surprise, we had a hunch.  We go for an ultrasound in a week and a half, and we're praying to see that heartbeat.  At that point with the last baby there would not have been a heartbeat, but I hadn't miscarried yet.  The kids are super excited about this baby, as are we.  I'll try and update as we find out anything.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Lots going on

So I finally have gotten over hives...I think.  My head still itches like they're on my scalp, but I've not taken any medicine since Thursday of last week.  This was the longest running bout of hives I've had in years.  We have our theory of why, but I guess we'll never know for sure.

Things have been pretty busy at our house recently.  It seems like instead of slowing down and relaxing when summer hit, our schedules have been going full force, and everything that can go on is going on.  We've had overnight visitors, we've visited, we've had many play dates for the kids, we've seen relatives and friends and had a lot of fun.  My kids are hilarious, as usual.  Just the other day we were eating lunch with our friend Shandy and Cheyenne.  Cheyenne is 19 months, and was down in the floor after eating looking out the window with my kids.  At one point Cheyenne laid down on the floor of the restaurant, apparently exhausted from our morning, and Hannah looked up and said, "Shandy, look at your CHILD!"  The way she said it definitely doesn't come across through written word, but it was HYSTERICAL!!!  Shandy laughed so hard at my adult 4 year old's statement.  Today Seth said "amn't."  I said something to him for him not to do something, and he said, "I am...ummm, I amn't."  Cracked me up.

I meant to write more on this post, but I am completely exhausted, and can hardly keep my eyes open any longer.  I think I'll have much more to write about soon.  I'll keep you posted...

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Ugh...I've had hives for the last 3 1/2 days.  Like mega hives.  Like the type that the internet says shouldn't happen.  I get hives on the palms of my hands and the soles of my feet, which the internet says shouldn't happen. I get hives with angioedema.  The internet says that shouldn't happen too.  Well, surprise!  Tuesday morning I woke up and could hardly see my eyelids were so swollen.  I also had hives all over my body.  Yesterday I jumped out of bed to get Seth because he woke up before we were up, and I said, "OOH OHH OH OH!!"  My wonderful husband said he'd get him for me. :)  Thanks, Dusty.  I had hives on the soles of my feet, which cause them to swell and HURT when pressure is put on them.  Also, I couldn't make a fist with either hand.  Shoot, I still can't put my wedding rings on.  Today I've had more intense itching than I've had in a very long time.  I am absolutely exhausted.

Now on a great note, it has been a very good week.  Busy, but good.  My kids have learned a lot of math, and on how to care for people that need help.  They are such wonderful children.  Poor Seth fell off his bike today and scraped his elbow, and I think jammed his left index finger.  It's pretty swollen, and a little blue.  He moved it a lot better this evening though than his did after his nap.  He's such a good boy.

My girl is becoming more beautiful by the day.  Her face is slimming into a little girl's face instead of a baby's face.  She has such a sweet, genuine smile.  They laugh together, and they crack up each other.  Good week.

And now it's raining!  Our garden desperately needs that.  It's so amazing how much better the rain makes the plants grow than regular watering with sprinklers.  Of course, it grows better, I mean that's how it was designed, it just still boggles my mind.

I'm sorry, faithful readers, that I have been so absent the past few weeks.  I think I'm having difficulty, as I've said before, finding time to do this because I always feel it's taking away from something else.  My husband is busy on his computer right now, too, or I wouldn't be blogging even now.  However, I'm very tired, so I'm going to go to bed now.  I will be back eventually. :)